Posts tagged ‘father’s day’

7 Gifts to Keep Dad Busy on Father’s Day

The other ‘parent day’ is upon us already – Father’s Day. Do you have a plan? No? Me neither. Luckily, I am writing this post so I can simply choose from one of the many ideas I will offer to you! Gifts for dads must be something they can use immediately – something to solve, consume, learn or build. Otherwise, you get a meager smile and it gets put aside with all of the other unusable gifts that never even made it out of the cellophane wrap. Dads are hard to buy for, everyone knows that. So what will make him smile this Father’s Day? Bring a little joy into his day, even for an hour? I have a few ideas…

  1. A Soccer-watching Kit: Is Dad enjoying Euro 2012 this week? Fill a kit bag with a jersey from his favourite team, matching old-school stripey socks, gourmet salted nuts, his favourite imported beer, and a tourny app that lets him check out stats and scheduling for his favourite teams.
  2. Nest Thermostat – It’s smart, it’s sexy and it’s good for the environment. Oh yeah, and Dad, it saves you money!
  3. Surprise him with a new TV – he doesn’t think he needs one but if it just happens to appear on his wall, I am sure he would thank you… in his own way.
  4. Beverage Gadget of Choice: Fizzy water anyone? The Sodastream Crystal Water Carbonator is the bomb and again, good for the environment. Or if wine is his thing, wine aerators are all the rage now and at very least inspire an afternoon of wine-tasting!
  5. Food Dehydrator – I know, it’s strange-looking but he might actually use it! Great for a dad trying to kick a sweet tooth so he can make his own dried fruit. Or have the whole family participate in the ‘Great Sunday Jerk-making-a-thon’ (had to be careful there…)
  6. High-tech Sneakers: He will never know sneakers like these. A customized pair in the hottest neon just for him.
  7. Pocket Camcorder: For Dads that spend their time behind the camera at most family events this one-function wonder will be a hit! (And will even survive being dropped in the punch bowl.)

Some of these gifts might require doubling up with siblings but come on, your Dad’s worth it! A gift + A barbequed meal = Enough said.

June 11, 2012 at 11:59 pm Leave a comment

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